In a world fragmented by borders, Mariano Schiavolini, fondly known by his stage name Aria, concocts a harmonious blend of cultures and genres to create musical compositions transformed into bridges of unity. A soul-stirring mix of rock, classical, progressive, R&B, soul, blues, Latin American rhythms, and wide-reaching world influences, his creations are the epitome of a multicultural symphony.
As an artist, his musical virtuosity transcends the usual genre classifications, reminiscent of the fluidity of world music. Having collaborated with globally celebrated artists like Peter Gabriel and the Soweto Gospel Choir, Aria ensures his music abounds in fresh stylistic blends. His musical legacy includes a trail of accomplishments with his notable band, Celeste, widely acclaimed as the King Crimson of Italy.
Currently working in the Nu-Jazz genre, Aria shifts his soundscape to the lively streets of New York City, with an upcoming release featuring a renowned jazz singer in the Big Apple. Never one to stay in a static groove, Aria’s new projects, expected to shake the foundations of preconceived genre norms, include “Blind Eyes” as well as “Find that Man.”
Aside from creating music that constantly evolves, Aria’s emphasized ambition is to resurrect the essence of real music. In the advent of digital, machine-made precision, Aria yearns for a return to the human touch in music-making. His longing extends to the romantic music of the 60s and 70s, slow dance tunes that brought people closer and the vinyl record in all its high-fidelity glory.
Listen to Aria’s timeless compositions on Spotify here and watch his heart-rendering performances on Youtube here , a testament to how music can connect hearts beyond human-made differences.
His imminent ensemble piece “Broken,” delving into the struggles of refugees, features numerous renowned opera and pop singers. Aria’s music infuses a spirit of activism, inspiring large-scale change. His song “Where Will it End” was a poignant tribute to the victims of Kenya’s Garissa University tragedy, while “The Next Life” magnified the plight of habitat destruction and animal extinction.
With his international world music influence, Aria recently released a powerful single, “Smile.” In collaboration with an array of global talents, “Smile” stood out for its infectious rhythm influenced by South and Central American musical styles, especially rumba and cha-cha. Embedded in “Smile” is a joyous call to unity. Layered with 120 tracks, it epitomizes Aria’s expertise, reflecting a meticulous understanding of harmony and rhythm.
Aria’s fundamental desire is for his music to act as an adhesive, binding people fragmented by borders, cultures, language, and religions. His music speaks the universal language of love, drawing people towards shared emotions of joy and a collective, communal existence.
The global collaboration video of “Smile” conveys a message of togetherness through dance, portraying smiles from cultures across the globe. Aria’s upcoming Portuguese version of Smile, set to be released in South America, embodies his commitment to breaking down the barriers of language.
Years of traversing the music industry, garnering millions of streams and views on his moving compositions, have established Aria as an emblem of world unity, creatively blending cultural sounds to form globally recognized music. Whether advocating human rights, fighting against apartheid, or nurturing endangered animals, Aria uses his artistic platform to bring about meaningful change.
Aria’s music is a symphony of interconnectedness that transcends borders. Relish his unique blend on Spotify here and Apple Music here . To stay updated with Aria’s musical journey and initiatives, connect on Facebook here and Instagram here.
As Aria continues creating and crafting his music, one thing is for sure: His subtle melodies and impactful harmonies whisper a louder message of unity, joy, and love, transcending boundaries and conventions to resonate universally. Through each note, he endeavors to stitch together a world that often seems to pull apart. Listening to Aria is not just about enjoying music; it’s about experiencing a harmonious global community thriving on love and diversity.