Once upon a fried chicken stall, nestled amongst the bustling corridors of Los Angeles’ historic Grand Central Market, a culinary maverick named Chris Dane hatched a unique gastronomic marvel – Lucky Bird. Co-founded with his wife Christine in 2018, this 700-square-foot culinary gem dedicated solely to fried chicken and its flavorful accouterments is taking the city by storm. Lucky Bird’s success is not just a tale of a scrumptious menu, but it is also a testament to the power of perseverance, love, and yes, a belief that a bucket of chicken solves everything.
A culinary school outsider, Chef Dane’s journey to becoming a restaurateur epitomizes the age-old adage – it’s not where you start but where you finish. Beginning his career washing dishes and preparing meals in Phoenix, Arizona, Dane got a taste for the fast-paced, complex inter-workings of a traditional kitchen. He quickly found his passion, learning from every station and every chef that graced his path. These invaluable lessons would become instrumental in his subsequent culinary exploits, from Los Angeles to Providence and beyond, and ultimately back to Los Angeles again.
Yet, Dane’s cooking journey was only part of the Lucky Bird story. The name itself has roots going back 15 years when Chris first met Christine at Arizona State University. The couple dated, separated, and fatefully reconnected after more than a decade apart. Now, the name Lucky Bird is an homage to their fortuitous reunion and a daily reminder of the precious love they share.
Lucky Bird’s mission extends beyond just serving tantalizing fried chicken. It is a commitment to delivering fresh, high-quality, locally-sourced ingredients, and instilling the traditional values of hard work and homegrown talent. From the citrus-brined chicken, an homage to Dane’s California roots, to the hand-crafted hot sauce and buttermilk biscuits, everything at Lucky Bird is made from scratch.
A peek into their menu and you’ll find a medley of mouth-watering offerings. The main course stars range from a classic half chicken bucket, a selection of wings and tenders, to the chicken breast served with smoked paprika aioli on a milk bun, aptly named ‘Chicken Sammie’. More adventurous diners might opt for the ‘Hot Honey Sammie’ or the ‘Buffalo Bird Sammie’. Weekends bring the option of a fried chicken breakfast burrito, while the chicken and waffles dish caters to the sweet and savory cravings. Pair these with sides like homemade mac & cheese, coleslaw, or biscuits with honey butter for a truly satisfying meal.
Opening Lucky Bird was not without its challenges. From staffing issues and the steep learning curve with pressure fryers to complications caused by the market’s old structure, there were numerous bumps along the road. However, Dane’s unwavering perseverance, his high standards for quality, and his belief in the brand have enabled Lucky Bird to carve out a name for itself in LA’s vibrant culinary scene.
The heart and soul of Lucky Bird lie in its signature citrus and herb brine and the crisp, light batter that encases its fried chicken. By eschewing the traditional Southern fried chicken approach for a uniquely Los Angeles spin, Dane has infused his creations with a refreshingly light and tangy twist. The result is a product that is juicy, crispy, and delightfully ungreasy.
Lucky Bird’s success has been a joint endeavor. From Dane’s family’s financial backing and business advice to the invaluable teachings of his fellow chefs, the journey has been a shared one. Above all, the unconditional support and selfless sacrifices of Dane’s wife, Christine, have played an integral role in turning Lucky Bird from dream to reality.
Today, the culinary gem that is Lucky Bird stands as a testament to Dane’s unwavering belief in himself, his love for Christine, and of course, the unassailable power of a bucket of chicken. In a city renowned for its gastronomic diversity, Lucky Bird continues to make waves, becoming an essential LA food destination. If ever in Downtown LA, don’t forget to give Lucky Bird a try. You might just find yourself agreeing, there aren’t many things in life a bucket of chicken can’t solve.
Check them out and place an order through their website, or follow their delicious journey on Instagram.